according to the map below, what might be a good estimate for the absolute location of havana?

Cities Around the World by Latitude and Longitude

Every city in the world has one thing in common: they each have a pair of coordinates, numbers that describe their location. While no cities can share both sets of coordinates (since it's the exact location of the city), many share one of the numbers that make up their coordinate pair.

These coordinates, called latitude and longitude, are used to create maps like the one beneath. In addition to the cities' exact locations, we plant their nearest latitude and longitude (within 5 degrees), and you lot tin filter the map by these ranges.

View Cities by Latitude & Longitude in a total screen map

Read on to find out more nearly latitude/longitude coordinates, and see some surprising commonalities when we look at cities with the aforementioned latitudes or longitudes.

What are Latitude and Longitude?

Before you can interpret the map to a higher place, y'all need to know virtually the pair of numbers used to plot map coordinates: latitude and longitude.

Latitude is the number of degrees north or south of the equator, the imaginary line that runs horizontally through the Earth.

Longitude is the number of degrees east or west of the prime number top, an even more imaginary line because it was made up.

Stand up and imagine your feet represent an verbal point on Earth. Practice you lot know which mode North is? Use ane arm to point precisely North and position your other arm in the exact opposite direction. The line your pointing makes would be the longitudinal line for your location. Now move your artillery to point Eastward and West. The line formed by your arms is the latitudinal line for your location.

While breadth is determined by the equator, humans had to make up a midpoint for longitude. In 1851, Sir George Airy chose the observatory in Greenwich, England, an expanse of London, to be zero longitude. Thirty years later, 25 nations met to officially declare it the prime number meridian.

Every point on Earth can be described by a number of degrees latitude and a number of degrees longitude. Like an algebraic plot, each number can exist positive or negative. In other words, we've taken a circular Earth and separated information technology into quadrants. The mid-bespeak of these quadrants is 0 degrees breadth (the equator) and 0 degrees longitude (the North-South line that runs through Greenwich Observatory).

Latitude increases as you go North, making the Northern Hemisphere positive latitude and the Southern Hemisphere negative latitude. Paris, for instance, is at nigh 48, 2. Latitude normally comes get-go in the pairing. Latitude runs between 90 degrees Southward (-90) and 90 degrees North, both extremes coming at the Globe's poles.

Longitude increases as you go East, making Eastern Hemisphere (i.e., most of Europe) positive longitude and the Western Hemisphere negative longitude. New York, for example, is at about 40, -73. It's Due north of the equator and West of the prime number meridian. Longitude runs from 180 degrees West (-180) to 180 degrees East. Since longitude wraps around the Earth, -180 and 180 are the same line, on the opposite side from the prime meridian.

Using the map, can you notice some cities in the southeastern hemisphere? Southwestern? Which "quadrant" practice yous live in?

Cities on the Equator and the Prime Top

While much of the worth is solidly inside hemisphere quadrants, in that location are many cities that straddle i of the zero points. These cities, past definition, must be either forth the equator or the prime number tiptop (i.eastward., have a similar longitude to London).

The map shows 22 cities that are within two and a half degrees of the equator. You tin notice them by using the grouping function in the lower left corner of the map. Choose "Near Latitude" and then cull the v to -ten range. Or, search the map for "0" and cull "0 (About Latitude)."

Macapá, Brazil; Quito, Ecuador; Padang, Republic of indonesia; Libreville, Gabon; Kampala, Uganda

To get even more than specific, we narrowed down to xi cities that are less than a degree away from Earth's horizontal midpoint. The closest to the equator is Pontianak in Indonesia, whose city middle is within i second (1/60th of a caste) of zero degrees latitude.

Hither are all 11 of the places within a degree of the equator:

  • Macapá, Brazil
  • São Tomé, São Tomé and Príncipe
  • Libreville, Gabon
  • Entebbe, Uganda
  • Kampala, Uganda
  • Pekanbaru, Republic of indonesia
  • Quito, Ecuador
  • Kismayo, Somalia
  • Padang, Indonesia
  • Pontianak, Republic of indonesia
  • Yaren Commune, Nauru

Since zero longitude is within densely populated Europe, there are more places that are shut to this human-created coordinate. The closest, of form, is London—or Greenwich, specifically. In that location are 44 cities on the map that are closest to 0 longitude. Even so, there are simply a dozen that are less than one caste from cipher.

Greenwich, England; Accra, Ghana; Valencia, Spain; Bordeaux, France; Le Havre, France

Hither are all 12 places within a degree of the prime meridian:

  • Accra, Ghana
  • Tamale, Ghana
  • Zaragoza, Spain
  • Valencia, Spain
  • Lleida, Spain
  • Bordeaux, France
  • Brighton and Hove, England
  • London, England
  • Greenwich, England
  • Le Havre, French republic
  • Cambridge, England
  • Peterborough, England

A much less populated place? The reverse of the prime meridian. At either 180 or -180 (information technology'due south the same identify), you'll find only two places. One is far northward and another in the south: Rabi Island, Fiji; Anadyr, Russia. Motility the map around and come across if you lot can observe them!

Famous Cities and Their Coordinate Partners

Photograph by Javier Vieras

Ah, Paris. The City of Lights. A place for lovers. Yes, Paris seems like a magical place. Still, it is on the same breadth as Seattle, a identify best known for… rain. While Seattle is slightly rainier than Paris, it's non past much. Similarly, London gets a bad rap and information technology's but a few degrees north of Paris.

Photograph by Vincent Desjardins

Surely New York Urban center has a similar reality baloney field, causing it to appear better than other places of like breadth? At 40 degrees North of the equator, the snowy-wintered New York is at a similar longitude to… Portugal, Espana, and the rest of the beautiful Mediterranean. To be fair, Sendai, Japan, is too around 40 degrees breadth, and it has nigh freezing temperatures in Jan.

Longitudinally, New York is around the same at 73 degrees West as most of the country of Chile. Interestingly, South America is near entirely due east of the Us. The time zones range from UTC -05:00 (aforementioned as Eastern fourth dimension) to UTC -02:00.

Photo by Larissa Paschoal

Speaking of South America, São Paulo, the largest city in the Southern Hemisphere, is 22 degrees Due south of the equator. That puts it similar to Johannesburg (the majuscule of South Africa) and Brisbane (the third-largest metropolis in Australia). On the longitude scale, much of Brazil has no countries N or South of information technology. Seriously, check the map! The only not-Brazilian place at 50 degrees West is the tiny and remote Qaqortoq, Greenland.

The Far Northward and Due south

Locations in the Northward and South are best known for their extremes. The poles are each covered in snow year round, so expect common cold temperatures in these cities to the far Northward and South.

The Northernmost city in the world is Warning, Nunavut, Canada, at more than 82 degrees North. That puts Warning merely 550 miles (885 km) from the North Pole. In Europe, Norway's Ny-Ã…lesund is over 78 degrees above the equator. And Alaska is home to the northernmost U.Southward. urban center of Barrow, at 71 degrees latitude.

The Southernmost urban center in the world is Puerto Williams, Republic of chile, and it'south nearly ten degrees farther south than any other continent's southern city. At 54 degrees beneath the equator, it may non seem as far south as you lot wait. However, Antarctica reaches out to about 60 degrees latitude, and then there's not much room for inhabited cities much closer.

Other far-Southern cities include Invercargill, New Zealand (46 degrees South) and Greatcoat Town, Due south Africa (at -33 degrees latitude).


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